Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Castle Building Competition

Now  The Castle Building Competition has ended and a winner is chosen.

  • And the third price goes to Eletricreeper4me
  • And the second price goest to Allancv
  • And the winner of The Castle Building Competition is SPlRlTWALKER

SPlRlTWALKER in action.

The Judges winning points

- Design is light and the build is inviting you to stay.
 - Nice design, a nice entrance and a nice TV.

- The water features and the many details
-  Beatiful design and a cool sentry guard.

- The functionality as a defense and the grandness of the space
-  The big spaces

A special mention

 Ninjex53 had cool frames and a castle with kind of a Chinese look.

Cons of the builds were that some of them used and broke some blocks that were not legit, like bedrock and lapisore but since all the castles were built in creative they are not completely legit as whole. There were no set rules before the contest started but in most contest you can only use blocks that you can use in survival mode for a building to be legit.

SPlRlTWALKER earns 100 000 claimblocks and a promotion.

Allancv earns 50 000 claimblocks  and a promotion,

Eletricreeper4me earns 25000 claimblocks  and a promotion.


Ele's grand design.

Ninjex smart features

Al building his castle

The winner

You can find the castles at these warps:

./warp spirit

./warp elecastle
./warp alcastle

Sunday, June 8, 2014

I was crucified at Kaizen-worlds

Kaizen-Worlds are an half-japanese server I went to today. 
I sat in their church chilling and they asked me to say a word of wisdom. 

Well I did. 

I went up in the pulpit and told that we have to follow the ten commandments or we are doomed and if we ever had broken any of them even in our thoughts we had to pray for forgiveness to God in Jesus name.

 They went berserk to this simple preaching.

They put up three crosses and jailed me to one of them. 

They did smite me.

I'm proud to be worthy of the same sort of shame as him. 

To be rejected

mobbed, prosecuted and finally

killed by the evil mob.

I'm honored to bear his cross with him. 

I forgive them by faith and pray to you Father in heaven to forgive them too
as they did not know what they were doing.
In Jesus name 

Friday, June 6, 2014

WorldEdit for you on Christian Minecraft

You can now use WorldEdit if you have played some hours on the server and been promoted some ranks.

Because of security reasons you have to define a region that is limited to about 1000 blocks otherwise WorldEdit would lag the server if many use it simultaneously. In the future there may be possible to use WorldEdit in you GriefPrevention claim. Unfortunately the versions we use are not compatible yet so we will have to use WorldGuard regions for now.

First you get the region tool by the command //wand. You first left click one corner of your region and then right click the other. Then you can do the command //expand vert which makes your region go from the sky to bedrock in hight.

Then you define a WorldGuardRegion by the command /region define <NameOfYourRegion> <YourPlayerName>

No you have a region in which you can use WorldEdit.

God Luck and God bless you!